DSA Home Security offers a range of security guard, security patrol and Security operations in and around the Fernvale and Lowood areas including:
- Home security partol service using our unique fleet management system.
- 24 hour home security alarm response service covering Brisbane and Ipswich regions.
- 24 hour home security immediate response if you feel there may be a threat to yourself or your premises.
- Home security guards for private parties.
DSA Home Security Patrol service the Fernvale and Lowood regions.
According to Queensland Police - House break and enters are one of the most common crimes. In many instances house break-ins are crimes of opportunity with entry gained through an open or unlocked door or window.
Good home security is as simple as the following three basic steps:
- Make it as difficult as possible for an offender to gain entry.
- Make it as difficult as possible for an offender to exit with your property.
- Make it as difficult as possible for an offender to want to steal your property.
For more information see Queensland Police web site
If you live in Fernvale or Lowood and want the next level of home Security then contact DSA Security to find out more about the following home security services: